
We affirm the value of good stewardship.  Stewardship is using your resources wisely to accomplish a unique cause or mission.  It involves a sense of marketing and/or development – i.e, cause-driven marketing or development?   If this is a new concept for you, I encourage you to learn more at
“Today, companies have fully embraced what is called “doing well while doing well.” Cause-related marketing may eventually become the primary way that businesses express their social responsibility.  The growth of cause marketing has exploded, from a $120 million industry in 1990 to $2 billion in 2016. Plus consumers seem to like it. Research has suggested that more than 89 percent of consumers would switch brands to buy cause-related products (or services) if price and quality were similar.”  (What Every Nonprofit Should Know About Cause Marketing).
Cause-related  or driven marketing is simple and easy.  This kind of direct sales marketing is actually nothing new as this has been a primary way for to support individuals, families and great causes  for many years.